Monday, September 17, 2007

Can the Big Ten (11) Salvage a mediocre season?

I know its just the third week of the college football season, but every game does matter. I was commenting on The Palumbo Rankings and i started to rant...what a better place to rant than here? Every year around bowl season, you see the big 10 getting 5 or 6 teams into a bowl and a couple into major bowls as well. Now i am not the biggest buckeye fan on the planet, who am i kidding im a tressel guy...i grew up in Y town when he was kicking marshalls ass. But after seeing how the start of this season has gone, the big ten looks rather dismal. Not to dump on Michigan but they did lose to App. St. now i know any given saturday anything can happen, but preseason #5 and potential threat for the national title, losing to a Championship level school, previously Div I AA. Granted App St. has won the last couple I AA titles(easier on the fingers) and they do have some talented players...but come on. Then after that embarassment the mighty ducks of oregon march into The Big House and kicked their ass, nuff said. Now that leaves the other top teams...Penn St. Wisc. and Ohio St, Thankfully they have dodged the app. st. bullet, but can they keep it up the entire year? OSU beat YSU and Akron, before stepping up their play against washington, so hopefully they are starting to come together, but only scoring 20 points against the zips isnt that impressive, granted all they need was a field goal to win. Michigan got of the schnide by stomping a very very young and bad Notre Dame team. So hopefully Michigan has turned it around and they can salvage their season. As for the other teams of the big ten....Minnesotta losing to Florida International and Northwestern losing to Duke, that doesnt look good for the conference. Enough of i mentioned earlier...Notre Dame...

ND is absolutly horrific this year, i know they are young and have a freshman QB, who at times has shown signs that he will be a good player for them. But my question is who the hell has Mr. Weiss recruited for ND besides Jimmy Clausen? All of Willingham's boys are virtually gone and Weiss's golden boy has moved on to oranger pastures. What will Weiss do know? my suggestion is lyposuction for starters, then he should get some of the film students to film the other teams practices to give them a fighting chance.

Moving onto sunday, the Clowns bounced back from a whoopin last week to put up more points than the Cavs did in the NBA Finals. But in watching parts of that scoring fiesta one has to ask...How bad is Cinci this year? Marvin Lewis is supposed to be a defensive genius, if he is a genius then he makes forrest gump look like einstein. The past couple of years the AFC North has been a very strong divison, but this year it is hard to say so far...The browns and bungles have their own problems..they cant stop a nose bleed right now. The ravens, defense is their only/best offense on the upside atleast boyler threw a pass that heap could actually catch. The Steelers on the other hand have looked good the past two weeks, defensively very effective and offensively they have shown some bright spots, but they have played no body yet, so the verdict is still out on Big Ben chucking it up 30+ times a game.

As for video boy in NE, whether they had signals or not, they made the Chargers look like static electricty, not a lightning bolt. The Pats came out and smacked them in the mouth and didnt back down, barring injuries they pats will be very very hard to beat this year....Dolphin fans beware.

Enough of my sports rants, till later....G'arrrrr

1 comment:

Blogger said...

Men's Wearhouse got you too busy to post?