Tuesday, September 11, 2007

We didnt land on plymouth rock....(SOAPBOX WARNING!!!!)

Sorry for the long delay...Today being 9/11, 6 years to the day from 2001, when the attacks happened. I figured id pull out my soapbox and voice my opinion on the matter. (WARNING: Conspiracy/Outside the box thinking to follow, if 9/11 is a sensitive subject to you please dont read on. But if you like to look at things from a different angle please feel free to read on.) And yes i know this is my opinion, and they are like assholes....everybody has one.

Like many of you, i can tell you exactly where i was and what i was doing when i saw those plan smash into the twin towers. I was devestated and couldnt believe my eyes, but while watching those days events something just wasnt adding up right. We live in the United States of America, We have the strongest military in the world, We have special ops all over the world, and god knows big brother is watching every move made. So i pose this question, with all of the advancements in technology and all the money we pay as tax payers for protection from our military, how in gods name did this happen? My answers again are just my opinion, gathered from data and articles that i have read on this subject over the past year or so, so with out further ado.

First off a little bit of History how governments have used Fear as a tool to motivate others into action. Before WW2 and before Hitler came to power, he used a series of events to help him begin is rise to power, the most common was the Reichstag Fire at the german parliment building, when authorities arrived the found Marinus Van Der Lubbe inside the building, Holding a gas can and match so to speak, he was a dutchman, who was mentally challenged mind you, the entire event was blamed on him and 4000 other commies. Thus giving hitler the power to recommend a solution to the german government, strikingly similar to our patriot act. In the 1960's when cuba was just getting to get under the administrations skin, they devised a plan to handle them as well. The devised a plan called Operation Northwoods, briefly, it was a plan to stage a terrorist attack on miami and blame cuba, giving us cause to go and over throw Castro. Dare i say deja vu...thankfully JFK was a good hearted american and denied the order...we all know how that story ends. Oh and how can we forget pearl harbor? We cannot, but again, it was another attack on america to help convince the people that we should enter into another war. Pearl Harbor, was as devistating attack on our country and our military, but sadly i think there was prior knowledge as well...Why would the Japs want to wake a sleeping giant and do something to get them to enter a war? Thats about as smart as a featherweight going up to mike tyson and trying to kick him in the balls(before he went nuts). Now i could go on for a long time and go back probably as far as time, to find ways that people in power have done things to decieve their people to get them to agree with their actions.

6 years ago today, our airforce was doing special training ops, to help defend this country in the time of a foreign attack, the operation was known as Vigilant Guardian. The planes that were normally minutes away from the white house were flown away from their base to take part in this exercise....im all about practice and i want our boys to be trained the best they can. But dont you find it a bit fishy, that for that morning the country was virtually defenseless were it matters most...our capital. Oh and our wonderful people at FEMA, you know they guys that did such a great job after hurricane Katrina, were stationed outside of Manhatten on monday, they were doing a bit of training on their own...they were preparing how to handle a chemical attack on new york....how convienient. All while your fearless leader was hundreds of miles away in florida, way out of harms way.

So now i ask....How do guys living in mountains with very primative technology get all of that information that the country would be so vulnerable? Or did a little birdy tip them off and let them know about the military manuvers for that day? But anyway, why would the administration want to harm innocent people? Try this on for size...around 2000, there was an article written by a group of men, titled rebuilding america's defenses. In this article, it calls for a catastrophic event like a new pearl harbor, to help motivate the people into action. What was 9/11 likened too.....you guessed it, Pearl Harbor. Oh and some of the members of that committe were, VP Dick Chaney, Donald (Rummy) Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfiwitz amoung other members of high society. Chaney will shoot his best friend in the face....do you think he really cares about

us? How ironic that this article would make nostradamus blush.

What is to gain from all of this? Well, dubya, gets to finish what his daddy started 10 years ago and eliminate the deadly nuclear threat that is Iraq, i guess im just thankful that we did find all those WMD's over there.....oh wait, thats North Korea. So 6 years later we are still in iraq, still looking for those WMD's. While 1000's of soliders and hundresds and thousands of innocent people died in Iraq and the events leading up to the invasion. Halliburton, moved its HQ to Dubai and is getting most of the bids to rebuild much of the middle east that we destroyed...At least the government is lookng out for someone...there own....VP Chaney was a former executive for Haliburton.

Oh and i find this rather amusing, that the United States if affraid of something that they built....Al Qaeda. American funded in the 80's to help them defend themselves from Russia, so not only did we give them arms, but we gave them training as well...Very similar what we did to Iraq around that same time....we helped build their arms as well...Not to long ago Saddam was almost an ally of the US. Dont get me wrong im not agree with any of the things that Saddam did to his people, he was a prick....But iraq is more of a threat now to the US than it ever was.

But back to the day at hand, after all the smoke and dust clears, 4 thousand innocent americans are killed in a vicious attack. So how did we determine who the hijackers actually where? They werent on any of the seating lists for the planes, ok maybe the used aliases, probably smith or murphy. Oh but how they found the real names was rather amazing actually...a marvel in modern forensics....After all that smoke and rubble and of course the hot burning jet fuel that melted the beams and caused the buildings to collapse, they found passports of some of the hijackers in the debris....incredible that they made it out of that burning inferno. The steel structure to the WTC couldnt with stand heat up to 850* C ...by the way steel melts at around 1500* C and Iron melts around 1535* C, but yet a few pieces of paper can make it out unharmed. Also, the alleged hijackers who flew the planes, where confirmed by US flight school to be horrible pilots, they couldnt fly a cesna, but they can do hair pin turns and handle a plan that is hundreds of times bigger than that....again still not adding up in my mind.

There are still way to many unanswered questions that probably will never be answered in regards to this tragic event. Please my friends, do not get the impression that i think the government pulled off this event completely, i have a strong belief that they knew it was going to happen, there are too many coincidences on that day...For instance, the Mayor of San Francisco was supposed to be in New York on 9/11, but he got a phone call the night before telling him not to go....an act of god maybe? Just one of many quirks of that day. Not to mention the multi billion dollar insurance policy that was signed by Larry Silverstien to protect his investment, oh and it had a terrorism clause in it....For those that dont know who Larry is, he was the lease holder for WTC 7, he received over 5 billion dollars from those attacks.

So thats enough for my soapbox rant...im getting tired of typing. For those of you who have read all the way thru this, again i ask you to keep an open mind, i am not trying to change what happened or how it has effected your life. Also i am not trying to convince you to my way of thinking, sometimes it is nice to learn the other parts of the story as well. For all of those who did lose a loved one on 9/11 my thoughts and prayers are always with you. God Bless America and We will never forget!!!

If any of you were intriged by some of the information contained in this rant, i highly suggest you check out the site http://www.loosechange911.com/ They are working on the final edit for their movie, but i believe you can watch the 2nd cut via their website.

For those who were not and were rather upset, please cast the first stone.

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