Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Triumphant Return...To blog or not to blog

Sorry for the loooong delay, roughly two months if your scoring at home. To be honest i have consulted my blogging mentor and we discussed whether or not i could/wanted to continue to blog. For a while there i was about 99% sure that i would never blog again, it just was not for me, plus i cannot spell very well :) But i must say that the recent move to boston has inspired me to give it one more go. Since there will be new experiences, trials and tribulations going on in my life that this could be the chance to get this blog off of life support and get it up and kicking again.

So after 12 hours in a car, we finally arrived in Mass. and for some strange reason i thought we were in started to rain and no one up here new how to drive a car...WTF? Its New England!!!! Anyway, moving on, of course your first night in a new city there are several things you need to locate first: 1. your apartment, check 2. grocery store, check 3. liquior store, check (listed by priority not importance) For those of my many millions of readers who know that i love a good pint of beer or bottle for that matter, i see this as a great opportunity to indulge in some of New Englands finest microbrews. Last night i enjoyed a six of SmuttyNose Summer Weizen Ale. It did get better with time, then again so does Shlitz, it was a little hoppy at first, but after the first two the next four went down like gang busters, so with that ill give it 6.5 (out of 10). The .5 is for the picture on the front of the label, it is right out of what looks like the 50's, it is someones mom on a raft in a pool, and below the picture it says "C'mon in, the water is nice". When i get a digital camara i will drink another six and repost the label i promise. Till next time....Gaaarrr


Blogger said...

Welcome back, buddy!

Spungalo said...

Glad u got there safe.

Gaarr chad