Friday, May 18, 2007

Hello to all in blogger land

Well, where shall I being? This is my first post in bloggerland and I guess this is just a testament to how boring my day job can be. Dont get me wrong, i love reading other peoples blogs, but i just never fathomed the idea that id be wasting my day away bitching and moaning, gloating and boasting about the things that make my life mine. But what the hell, Im here so carpe diem.

So as I am trying to pass the time, i often browse the news on yahoo. And what do you know a group of deep sea divers have discovered what could possibly be the richest treasure to date....garrrr! 17tons of the stuff, not to shabby, im sure the goonies would be proud, that would by lots of rocky road icecream. I guess the significance of this story is that if you have ever seen dodgeball, you will notice a striking resemblence between myself and steve "the pirate". So it looks like someone found the treasure that steve was in search of, as for me i still have to keep the day job.


Blogger said...

Welcome to my world, buddy. Wipe your feet upon leaving ... It gets messy in here.

Spungalo said...

Welcome Billec! I will not only add you to my links, I may just replace Terry's link to his flailing blog. Have you gotten a lot of Steve the Pirate, or was I the first?

Anonymous said...

Oh Jesus Christ, Billec, you too? This is bullshit.