Sunday, August 3, 2008

Alot has changed since the last time i blogged...

Where to begin, well first off congrats to me for actually remembering my password to this site, that has been holding me back from keeping you on the edges of your seats! Well lets the see the last time i wrote was during the Sahx world series run...Fuck tha Sahx and their idiot fans, and the entire state of Massachusetts as well. Except for the basketball hall of fame, but im sure there is someone working there who is bitter and would get on my nerves anyway. Today i am writing to you from beautiful Greenvillll(with out the E), South Carolina. The picture above is of the reedy river which runs thru downtown Greeville. That odd shadow in the pic is the worlds only angled suspension bridge...or something to that effect, its actually really cool to see. But enough about that, you all must be wondering what i have been up to the past 8-10 months, thats almost a y ear wow, im slackin.

Quick recap, Massachusetts, had a snowstorm, what seemed to be every day. Not an ohio snowstorm, where it snows all day long for 3 weeks straight, when it snowed in mass, we are talking a foot plus each time. Yeah thats alot of snow, trying shoveling your driveway with a kids shovel that is worthy of building a sandcastle. That only happened once, i went out and got a man shovel after that. Oh and how could i forget that ever house in New England has oil heat!!! You know that stuff that cost like a million dollars a barrell. So on top of being up to my eyeballs in snow, the energy company managed to still kick me in the pills by charging us around 300-400 bucks a month for heat! Now if you ever wondered why red sox nation is so damn big, here is your reason. Would a normal person think that shelling out that kind of dough for heat is ok? Of course not, so the normal fans left and settled else where, where as the morons that still live there think it is the greatest place on the planet. Look, the weatha sux, the people are assholes, and you get jammed on your heating bill...i could go on, but i feel im rambling.

So in the mist of all of this, the Q'ball takes a little test online to see where we should live...silly i know, but wait it gets better. Her number one answer guessed it, Greenville, SC. So like any true scientist, we had to test the hypothesis, so i took the quiz as well...Sadly for me the grass wasnt as green. Apparently im supposed to be living in Pigsknuckle, Arkansas and many other hicktowns. But alas Greenville did make the list, it was #8, we took a weekend trip that sealed our fate. Yes you read that right, we took a quiz online and let it plan our lives. And to tell you the truth, i couldnt be happier, the weather is amazing, the people nice, oh and the cost of living is actually reasonable.

OK, i feel carpel tunnel starting to set it, ill save the rest of this story for another post, maybe with in the next day or so!

Till next time....G'aaarrr

1 comment:

Blogger said...

Welcome back, Pirate! I took a chance and checked out your site since you managed to post a comment on my blog.

Congrats on the move. What's the name of that Web site with the test? I've been back in Ohio for 1.5 years, so it may be time to move again!