Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sorry for the delay....

I know its been awhile since my last post, roughly 22 days not that im counting. Just wanted to throw a little bit of an update out there... The job search is in progress with several interviews and a couple seconds, nothing has landed so far. What makes it a bit more frustrating is that our temporary housing is finished at the end of the month of september. Now some of you might say well you have plenty of time to get something lined up, i would agree....but we need to put down an ass load of money on an apartment before we can move in. So you see the dilemma now, no jobby no cashy. If i was a totally scumbag id solicitate money thru my blog...but i would never do that....any donations would be wonderful :) lol j/k if anyone sends me a dime ill be pissed. So we are going into crunch time, which is just shy of crisis mode and we dont wanna go there. To hopefully expedite this process I spoke with a
(i might have to talk with bean to
get the attire for the job)
recruiter yesterday so hopefully this will lead to good things. Other than the job search, life has been pretty good, finally learning my way around the waltham area, oh and they still cant drive up here, i actually have life long bostonains testimonials on this. The Q ball is doing well, she is finishing up the first phase of her job training this friday and she will start the on the job stuff next week.

On a side note, i actually stepped into a fitness facility recently, i must say that i knew i was out of shape but it was a matter of how out of shape i was. Lets just say its a good thing i didnt have a job....i was laid up for a couple days, but got back on the horse and have proceeded to go a few other times since then. the goal is to be able to afford a gym membership, so that way i am not a complete fat ass and i can lose my membership to the dick'e'do club...dont ask, i saw it on a t-shirt.

Till the next time...G'arrr

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Right turn clyde...

So one of the things i have noticed while being in New England, these bastads dont know how to drive, AT ALL! During the rainstorm on the drive up i took for granted as it might not rain that much up here, its New England, they have an ocean view, so i know it has to rain. Plus it has rained about 50% of the time we have been here, so get used to it already. But enough about poor rain driving, they just cant drive in general. I think i have found how gm and ford are cutting corners besides laying off jobs, they are not putting turn signals into the cars that they sell in NE. Oh and do not i repeat do not obey a stop sign, if you do be prepared for a lound HONK! Worse off they just pull out in traffic and expect you to stop so that they can pull out of a parking lot, WTF! I think i might have to buy a snowplow ths winter and show these morons how i really feel. So besides the horrific driving abilities and the lack of street signs, New England isnt all that bad. Good food and damn good beer, now all i need to do is find a J.O.B. and i will be all set.

A side note, i forgot how to check my responses for my blog and when i figured it all out i was shocked to see that a few people actually read it...Thanks fella's.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

NFL Notwork...

So last night at dinner, i had this great rant in mind for the blog...sadly a few margarita's later and that idea vanished like cupcakes at fat camp. So after racking my mind to figure out what the hell was grinding my gears, i threw in the towel. Lucky for me I became excited for a preseason football game...i know i know, its preseason. But this game will officially begin the Mike Tomlin Era in the Steel City, so i just wanted to watch the game to give my professional opinion and to give this blog a wee bit more substance. Well then i found out the game was on the NFL Notwork, i was about to jump off a bridge. For those who do not know the nfl notwork used to be carried by the cable networks when you bought the digital packages, but since no one ever watched it, they thought it would be a great idea to make it a premium channel, like hbo or skinimax. Who ever thought of that idea....The Comish, Roger G. is a moron, no one watched it then and no one will pay to watch it. So here i sit with my hopes higher than Dave Chappelle in Half Baked, only to find out that i wont be able to watch a single snap. For some reason the nfl notwork picks up certain games thru out the year, i think they threw in another game on thanksgiving last year and now the hall of fame game. What else will they do in the per view for the superbowl? So looks like ill be watching the high lights of the 3rd and 4th stringers on ESPN, the total sports network....Thanks William Rasmusen (sorry for butchering the name) He founded ESPN and is a Lambda Chi to boot.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Directions please!!!

So as you know i usually have a good sense of direction and can find my way around....We'll that has all changed :) i feel like im in the bermuda triangle, up is down and down is up and i dont know what direction im going. But the good thing is that i am learning that every city names their streets all the same and that they do not believe in street signs. Oh the good thing is that i am getting to see this beautiful town. But the finally kick in the pills was when i got wise and decided to use the map i bought.....sadly the city i was driving around in wasnt on the DAMN MAP!!!!! But that sense of direction came into play i actually found my way back to where i was heading and got back on track, so i guess i still got it.

The good news is that i have my first interview today, hopefully i can find the joint :)